HackDLRC is a hackathon hosted by Ansh Tiwatne and Aneesh Bhave (highschool students at DLRC).
Being an online event, it is open to anyone anywhere. You can participate individually by signing in on this website or as a team through this Google Form.
Contact Us
At any given point in time before or during the hackathon, if you're stuck and need help, feel free to contact either one of us using the details below.
Solving Problems
HackDLRC consists of 7 problems that get progressively harder.
A beginner level sample problem has been posted, you can also refer to the solution to the sample problem in your language.
The input for a problem is accessed by clicking on the "Get Input" button on the page of the problem. Make sure your program does not depend on the number of lines in the input.
In the embedded code editor this input can be pasted in the input section and read as regular STDIN through your code. In case that sounds unfamiliar, you can either save the input in a file and read from it in your own setup, or contact us for help.
We recommend against using AI tools to earn points.
Interpreting Information
Each problem comes with the name of the problem, the points associated with it, the description of the problem, a worked example, as well as additional information and resources that may help you solve the problem.
• Name
Each problem is based on a subject taught at DLRC. The sample problem is a Math class for middle school.
• Points
Solving each problem will award you a certain number of points. The sample problem is worth 0 points.
• Description
The description of each problem introduces the premise and provides the necessary details.
• Worked Example
Participants can use the worked example to gain clarity on the structure of the question, inputs and expected answers. Note that the actual input of the problem will be much larger and unique to you.
• Additional Info
This section contains information that can help programmers design their solution, like the most optimal data type to be used, assumptions that the program can make, etc.
• Resources
Additional resources may be provided that allow the participant to gain clarity on keywords used in the problem. This ensures people without a computer science background but with programming knowledge can understand the problems.
Supported Programming Languages
The inbuilt text editor on the website allows a participant to use JavaScript, Python, Java, C/C++, C# and Go.
Note that participants may choose to use their own language to solve the problem and obtain an answer. We recommend using a high level programming language that you are most comfortable with.
However, creativity is encouraged, and we would love to feature solutions written in esoteric programming languages and ones that use non-conventional algorithms.
Frequently Asked Questions
• Do I need a team to participate?
No, you can participate individually or as a team of up to 4 members.
• Do I need to be present with my team members physically during the hackathon?
You can choose to but it's totally upto you, you can most certainly collaborate online.
• Is there an age limit?
No, the only requirement is being able to code in a language of your choice.
• The online editor does not support my language, what do I do?
You need not use the online editor, the only thing that matters is obtaining the final answer and submitting it in the Answer box.
• Do I need to be a student in DLRC to participate?
No, this event is open to all, including working professionals and teachers. Since it's online, programmers can participate from across the world.
• What is the requirement to get an award?
Everyone who participates will get a certificate of participation along with rewards from our sponsors. You must be present and logged in on at least one of the hackathon days to be considered a participant.
• How are ties for placement resolved?
Ties for top placements will be resolved using the time of answer submission.
• The light theme is torturing my eyes, how do I enable dark mode?
You can use the Dark Reader extension on the website, it is decently supported.
• The FAQ does not include my question, what do I do?
Feel free to contact us using the details above at any point in time.